- August 4,5,6
- Tickets: $150
- @ the SCA
About The Workshop
Students will be experimenting with everyday materials to develop surface layers and ultimately creating 3 abstract paintings. Students will need 2 white gessoed cradled wood panel or ½” gatorboard 24×24, 30×40 or 24×36. You will also need 1 Black gessoed cradled wood panel or ½” gatorboard, same sizes suggested. Supplies needed are listed below. I will supply Additional Gessoes, Mediums, Pastes and Materials we are using for surface layering.
Students are responsible for:
- A rubber Brayer, not foam
- Drawing tool with a dull tip
- Plastic spoons
- Colored pencils or inktense
- Art stamps and stencils
- Ruler
- Charcoal sticks/black
- Plastic and Rubber trowel or scraper
- Items for imprinting and incising, jar caps, textured material, things to make shapes etc. Professional grade Acrylic Paint and Fluid Acrylic, if you have it
- Soft Synthetic Flat brushes in various sizes
- Glazing medium
- Rags, spray bottle, water bucket, palette paper
- For those students that want to use collage elements, please bring your stash!
Guests will be required to:
- Wear mask within the SCA at all times.
- Maintain social distancing whenever possible.
- Complete a daily health check-in form.
- No eating permitted in the building, but attendees are welcome to take snack or lunch breaks in Coghlin Park (across the street), the SCA rain garden or pavilion.