3A. Demonstrate awareness of other people’s emotions and perspectives
​​4A. Use positive communication and social skills to interact effectively with others
5B. Develop, implement, and model effective decision-making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations

3. Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

ART.VA.III.5.4 Analyze the characteristics of personal artwork.
ART.VA.V.5.1 Explain how visual arts have inherent relationships to everyday life.
ART.VA.I.5.3 Incorporate the elements of art and principles of design to communicate ideas.’
ART.VA.II.5.2 Apply knowledge of how to use visual characteristics and organizational principles to communicate ideas.
ART.VA.II.5.3 Explore and understand prospective subject matter, ideas, and symbols for works of art.
ART.VA.II.5.4 Select and use subject matter, symbols, and ideas to communicate meaning.


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