Related Programming

Tight Spot Related Programs

For years, the Saugatuck Center for the Arts has provided creative, multidisciplinary educational programming for K – 12th graders. Until now, these programs have been tethered to West Michigan (hosted at the SCA or at your school) but Covid’s constraints have challenged us to reshape, reformat, and humanize the virtual educational experience. SCA [NOW] is the merger of two powerful forces – connection and creativity – coming to you here and now, wherever you are.

In our “Tight Spots” inspired project invitations students will have the opportunity to practice their drawing and sculpting skills. We have designed two different prompts to choose from — you may have students indulge in both or just one!


Related Programming coming soon!

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This Week at the SCA

The Saugatuck Center for the Arts connects people, sparks conversation, and builds community through a bold mix of entertaining, educational, and inspiring creative experiences.

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